Written by Chef Arron
Ingredients 食材
Sesame Paste 烟熏三文鱼
Passion Fruit 熟鹌鹑蛋
Mini Carrots 风干小番茄
Celery 柠檬
Arugula Salad 甜椒粉
Baby Radish 混合蔬菜沙拉
Red Peppers 干黑橄榄碎
Fennel 酸奶油
Sea Salt 海盐
Olive Oil 橄榄油
Gelatin 绿鱼子酱
Basil oil 罗勒油
Preparation 做法
1) Simmer the eggs at 62°C for two hours
( 整条三文鱼去骨,用盐、糖、香料腌制4小时后用烟制机烟熏1小时 )
2) Sautee the bacon and onion, add the cream and cook for half an hour
( 烟制好的三文鱼切片摆盘,混合蔬菜沙拉也一同摆盘 )
3) Bake the potato, add in shallots, olive oil, add the egg, garnish with the sliced purple sweet potato
( 在摆好的混合沙拉上用柠檬chips、小番茄干、红椒粉、黑橄榄碎、切好的鹌鹑蛋装饰在三文鱼上, 用酸奶油、绿鱼子酱装饰 )
4) It is now ready to eat!
( 淋上橄榄油、罗勒油,喷烟即可 )