Article By Michael Gruendner
2F, Opposite of Yu Cai Middle School, Hang Gang cheng, Xing Shan Temple
7:00pm – 3:00am
Average Price per Person /人均消费:50RMB
PROS: English Speaking Staff/Menu, Location, atmosphere
CONS: Small, no heating, minimal rain protection
It’s time to head to the second center of Xi’an. I’m am speaking of Xiaozhai. We’re headed for a new rooftop bar. It may be a bit late in the season for rooftops, but this one is definitely worth a look. This entirely open air bar sits atop a circular shaped clothing store, giving it a splendid panoramic view of the Xi’an sky. It is only a two-story building, but you have a lot to look at in this locale. Just a head up, their stairs on the side of the circular building in the center of a bustling shopping and restaurant area and you’ll be amazed at this cozy little bar that manages to be open and outside, while giving you enough privacy to almost forget there are about a dozen restaurants just 100 meters away.
As the name of the bar suggests, Yun is a cocktail bar. They did offer me beer, but seeing as “cocktail” is in the name I figured I shoot for what they’re good at. Classic cocktails and single malt liquor at reasonable prices (about 40-50RMB). The drinks I had the pleasure of trying were a classic margarita and a negroni, which they had labeled Nick Ronie. Both my drinks and the drinks my cohort enjoyed were delicious and well worth the price tag.
The bar owner, a 25-year-old former bartender, decided to open this bar after falling in love with the atmosphere and he has done a wonderful job setting up this nifty little spot. His staff is friendly and eager to serve. They speak enough English to get what you want quickly. The menu is also fully translated and comprehensive. It took about 10 minutes to get my drink even after they became a bit busy.
Now, I have to mention that this bar is on the smaller side. They have seating for about 60 people but many of those are bar seats, and it’s all packed tightly together. They have a few larger tables for bigger groups and enough four person tables, so no matter your group size they should be able to accommodate you. It may be small, but it’s well organized and very clean. Being in a shopping center, they don’t have their own bathroom, but there is a public one only 20 meters away, so worry not my friends.
This was one of my favorite rooftops to visit and I am definitely going to be visiting again before it gets too chilly. Who knows, I might even pop in during the winter to check out how they handle the cold.
Mike Gruendner is an Energizer bunny FOMO-ing at the mouth. He can be reached at reviews@xianease.com