Article By Mike Leaner
No.8,Tai Yang Miao Men, Inside Zhu Que Gate.
朱雀门里太阳庙门8号 (四川会馆向西50米路南)
(029) 8737 1545
8:00pm – 3:00am
Average Price per Person /人均消费: 100RMB
PROS: Great atmosphere, great drinks and selection
CONS: A bit on the pricy side
When trying to find Mr. K, it was hard for me to remember the last time I’d been so confused. There I stood, in front of a giant Olmeca head that lay at the end of a hall straight out of Logan’s Run. I could hear loud lounge music coming from the other side, but could find no way to get to it. I wish I could see the security footage of my fumbling, which was not dissimilar to the panicked flailing a dog might do when it’s trying to get out of a swimming pool. Turns out, all I needed to do was pick the Olmeca’s nose.
Proving that good things await those willing to explore and find them, the wall slid aside and revealed an enormous bar and lounge. Swanky as all get-out, Mr. K has a very exclusive feel, but isn’t quite so daunting. On the scale between “fancy” and “pretentious,” it’s a solid “I’m glad I wore closed-toe shoes to this place.” Also of note is the small stage to the side of the room, set up with cabs and a full drum kit for a full-band performance.
Mr. K feels like a throwback to 2016, so concerned it is with premium cocktails and whiskeys. There are more than a hundred whiskeys on offer, from all the relevant whiskey-making places on Earth. If there’s a certain brand you’ve been craving but haven’t been able to find at your normal haunts, it’s worth checking their staggering menu to see if they have it—or to find a suitably nice replacement. If you’re not into a neat glass of whiskey, the cocktail menu is sizeable as well. I decided to keep focused on their main spirit, so I tried an Old Fashioned and a Whiskey Sour. Both were great versions of these classic cocktails, and I was surprised with how expediently they made my drink while maintaining a higher quality.
The price per drink hovers around 70 RMB, which might make your eyes water a bit, but it’s unfortunately part and parcel with the kind of bar this is. Regardless of that, Mr. K is a really, really nice place with a lot of potential, and I wouldn’t mind stopping by for a classy drink with a date or a couple of good friends who want to get fancy for the night.
Mike Leaner likes to get dirty but not for free. He can be reached at reviews@xianease.com