近日,西安索菲特传奇酒店、西安索菲特人民大厦、西安豪华美居人民大厦非常荣幸地迎来布韦迪(Vladimir Burazor)出任酒店总经理。
Sofitel Legend People’s Grand Hotel Xian, Sofitel Xian on Renmin Square and Grand Mercure Xian on Renmin Square are delighted to announce the appointment of Mr.Vladimir Burazor as General Manager.
他曾获得瑞士卢塞恩酒店管理学院的酒店管理高级文凭,并在家乡塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德的Singidunum大学完成经济学硕士学习,精通塞尔维亚语、德语及英语。此次履新前,他曾担任哈尔滨索菲特大酒店总经理一职。作为一名资深的酒店职业经理人,布韦迪先生拥有超过20年的酒店工作及管理经验,职业足迹遍布国内外, 如瑞士、美国、加勒比海和中国等。布韦迪先生扎实的酒店管理阅历使得他深谙酒店经营各板块的核心要素,亦具备敏锐的商业嗅觉和独特的见解以及卓越的领导能力。
He obtained his Confederate Higher Diploma in Hospitality from Swiss Hotel Management School Lucerne and completed his Master studies in Economics at University Singidunum in his hometown of Belgrade in Serbia. He is proficient in Serbian, German and English. With over 20 years of experience in hospitality industry across few continents and countries like Switzerland, USA, Caribbean and China. Mr.Burazor has a solid understanding of the hotel management in all sectors of the business, as well as a keen business sense, unique insights and excellent leadership skills.
Mr.Burazor said: “The Renmin Square Hotels are a natural blend of luxury, cultural essence and contemporary French romance, in keeping with the glorious history of the past, inspiring the younger generation to explore the modern luxury lifestyle. I am looking forward to working with the talented team to continue providing unparalleled service to our guests and to lead them to an extravagant and customized experience.”