Written by Chef Arron
Foie Gras鹅肝 150g Grape葡萄50g
Green apple青苹果100g Black pepper黑胡椒 3g
Green apple peeling,blending to make apple puree.
1 青苹果去皮打成泥,备用。
Foie gras cut into 1cm thick slices, put salt and black pepper on it.
2 鹅肝切成1厘米厚的片状,撒盐和黑胡椒碎。
Pan fried Foie Gras based on the 190 degree to an internal temperature of 75 degrees, both sides golden.
3以190度煎至内部温度达75度, 两面呈金黄色。
Draw arc on the plate with apple puree.
4 盘子上用苹果泥划出弧形。
Put the foie gras and grapes on it.