rticle By Steve Calvi
3F, Green Land Linghai Building B, Hi-Tech District ( 高新区锦业路1号绿地领海大 厦B座3F )
029-68255684 152-2927-9357 10:00am – Midnight
Average Price per Person /人均消费 60RMB
If you’ve been living in China for some time, you may have played pool in one of the many pool/billiard halls all around, from the 1rmb a game joints, where the tables spend all their life outside balanced on bricks and the cushions don’t follow the normal rules of geometry, to the better halls, which provide you with higher qual- ity tables, ample space and fragrant clouds of second-hand smoke. The great news is, Xi’an is different! In the Wild West that is the pool scene here, we have a new sheriff in town: Galaxy Billiard Club.
This newly opened billiards club is on a level of its own. Located in Gaoxin, Galaxy is the place to go for all you pool lovers out there.
Unlike many places, this is no smoky dun- geon. On the contrary, Galaxy looks more like a professional world series hall. The high ceilings, great sports pictures and even some framed NBA basketball jerseys give Galaxy a great look, but what make this hall so amaz- ing are the tables. Not just any table, but imported, very expensive Riley Imperial pool tables (Riley is one of the rst companies to make snooker and billiard tables). Every detail in this club is focused on giving you an incredible gaming experience, from the amazing tables to the brand new, profes- sional pool cues.
The owner, Alex, told me he’s interested in showing his customers how a good billiard hall should be: accessible, with high quality tables and great service.
Galaxy is partnered up with the “China Pool association” and they organize some high quality tournaments open for every hustler out there.
The price per hour to play is 40RMB and yes, it may seem a bit expensive but trust me: its not! Once you play on these tables you will actually start thinking all the others are the expensive ones. Galaxy is de nitely a place to go and check out and, once you have, I’m sure you will be amazed at how awesome this club is and how nice it is to play on high quality tables.
Steven Calvi loves billiards and short, nondescript bylines. He can be reached at reviews@xianease.com