Articleby windculture
Around Xi’an there has always been the fear of fake wine and I’ve had quite a few people ask me how to tell the difference between real and fake wine. Besides the taste of course.
Let me show you the legal informa- tion that should be found on every bottle of wine.
Wines with geographical indi- cation (GI) –
They reorganized the AOC / AOVDQS into AOP. The name of the specified region must appear together with the specific tradition- al mention. So, in France there is the mention of AOC or Appellation Controlled. The name of the ap- pellation may appear, for example, Gaillac. However, European regula- tions require mentioning again the name between the words “name” and “controlled”. Except that cham- pagnes can be marketed only with the name of the specified region as in Champagne.
Wines with protected geo- graphical indication (PGI)-
The label must have the brand name, the vintage year, appellation “Vin de France”, the grape and the IG.
- All Wines need to have the follow- ing on the back label;
- The indication of the alcohol content.
- Net content of the bottle – stated in liters, centiliters or milliliters.
- Reference contains sulfites or contains sulfur dioxide. A small reminder! This annotation involves only the wine which has a total SO2 content more than 10 mg / l.
- Residual milk and eggs. The in- dication of residual milk and eggs is required if residues are found in the final product, in a detection limit of 0.25mg / l.
- Pictogram or health message for pregnant women. “The consump- tion of alcoholic drinks during preg- nancy, even in small quantities, can have serious consequences for the health of the child”.
- Name, name of the bottler and the address or postcode of his principal place of business.
- Identification number of the Lot. It is an obligatory to mention im- posed under a directive on indica- tions or marks identifying the lot which the foodstuff belongs to.
- The country name of the pro- ducer with several formulations: Product of France, French Product, or Vin de France.
E-mail: windculture@live.com
TEL: 029-63695371
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葡萄酒地理标志(GI)。它们把AoC/ AoVDQS重组为AoP。指定区域的名称 必须与特定的传统名称一起出现。因此, 对于法国来说,这个名称叫做“法定产区 称谓控制”或“称谓控制”。称谓名称可 进行特指,譬如“加雅克”。但是欧洲法 规重新硬性规定了在单词“称谓”和“控 制”之间的名称标识。除了香槟葡萄酒可 以用唯一指定的产区名在市场上销售,被 命名为香槟譬如。
地区级餐酒成为PGI(被保护的地理标志) 。在酒标上会列出品牌名称、表示年份的 千位数、葡萄品种以及地理标志。此外, 各成员国必须规定其内部更小地理单元的 IGP术语细则。
- 酒精含量的标识。
- 瓶装净含量。升、厘升或毫升要加以说明。
- 提及含有亚硫酸盐或二氧化硫。一个小提 醒!这个批注只涉及So2总含量超过10毫 克/升的葡萄酒。
- 剩余的牛奶和鸡蛋。残余牛奶和鸡蛋的标 识是必须的,如果残有留物被发现在最终 产物中,并达到了0.25mg / l的检测指标。
- 孕妇禁饮的象形图或是文字。“怀孕期间 饮用酒精饮品,即使少量,对孩子的健康 来说都会产生严重的后果。”
- 装瓶主要场所的名称和地址或邮政编码。
- 批号识别号码。这是一项按照商标或粮食商品所属批号标注的强制性指标。
- 原产国名称以若干方式注明:法国的产 品,法国产品或法国葡萄酒。拉斐尔