Article By Radi
of Preparation 做法:
1) Cut the beef in thin slices and flatten with the meat cleaver carefully.
( 将牛肉切成薄片,并仔细用切肉刀压扁 )
2) Combine salt, pepper and wasabi powder and mix well, make sure is not too spicy.
( 把盐,胡椒和芥末粉拌匀,确保不要太辣 )
3) Season the meat with the condiment mix.
( 把牛肉片放置在调料中腌制 )
4) Chop the garlic and onion, cut carrot and celery in thin sticks.
( 切碎大蒜和洋葱,胡萝卜和芹菜切成细棒 )
5) Clean the mushrooms and place the on the meat, on top put the carrots and celery sticks.
( 金针菇洗净放在牛肉片上,再放上胡萝卜和芹菜棒 )
6) Sprinkle chopped garlic and onion over and season slightly with salt and pepper only.
( 撒上切碎的大蒜和洋葱,放少许盐和胡椒调味 )
7) Roll the beef up very tightly and secure with a toothpick.
( 把牛肉紧密的卷起来用牙签固定 )
8) Season the beef rolls with salt and pepper only
( 放些盐和胡椒调味 )
9) Pan sear the beef rolls on all sides and place in a baking tray and roast at 180°C until well done.
( 平底锅上稍微煎一下牛肉卷,之后放入180°烤箱烤熟 )
10) Combine soy sauce with mirin and add a little bit of sugar and bring to the boil.
( 混合日式照烧汁和味霖加一点糖煮沸 )
11) Reduce the heat and let simmer for a few minutes.
( 稍微放凉一些,静待几分钟 )
12) Pour the half amount of the sauce over meat rolls when still in the oven, the remaining serve on the side. Serve with steamed rice.
( 将一半酱汁倒入还在烤箱里的牛肉卷,另外一半装在碗里配用,与米饭同上 )
13) Before serving remove toothpicks from the rolls.
( 最后上菜前把牛肉卷上的牙签去掉 )
Cheese Nuqqets 奶酪块 (最佳派对小吃)
of Preparation 做法:
1) Cut the cheese in to 3 x 3 cm pieces and set aside.
( 将奶酪切成3 x 3厘米的块,放在一边 )
2) For the dough; Crack the eggs into a bowl and beat them, add the beer and mix it.
( 把鸡蛋打入碗中打匀,加上生啤 )
3) Combine flour and corn starch and add to the liquid. Stir until the dough is thick but still liquid.
( 再加入面粉和玉米淀粉,不停搅拌直到面团变成糊状 )
4) Heat up the oil either in a pot or deep fryer to 160°C.
( 将油在锅或油炸锅中加热至160℃ )
5) With a fork dip the cheese into the batter and fry it out until golden brown in color.
( 用叉子将奶酪浸入面糊中,放入油锅中炸至金黄 )
6) Serve immediately. Serve with Dijon Mustard or whatever you like with cheese.
( 出锅,根据口味配上芥末或者各式奶酪 )
Radi is from Switzerland and a triple threat: chef, DJ and photographer.