Article by XIANEASE
If you felt beat-down by winter this year, you’re not alone. It was one of the colder and snowier winters any of us can remember, so turning the corner into spring feels extra good. If you’re looking to get back out into the world, maybe this short guide will give you a few ideas.
Xi’an’s Hash House Harriers, one of the oldest continually operating expat groups in the city, take a break every winter, for what we feel are obvious reasons (if they aren’t: the cold and the air quality are two big ones). Explore the city at ground-level, have a couple of beers, get a little exercise and make connections with locals and foreigners alike. The first run of 2018 will be held on March 19th at 4pm. Scan the QR code to follow them on WeChat and get the meeting place and most up-to-date information.
If you missed it at the end of last year (you’d be forgiven, the holidays are always turbulent), a couple new quizmasters have rolled into town and are ready to test your knowledge with some brain-bending trivia questions. You can bring a team with you, or if you’re looking to branch out and meet some new people, you can show up and join a team right then and there. March quizzes will be held at 3as4 Bar on Defuxiang on the 16th and 30th, both at 8:30pm. Scan the QR for a map to the bar.
Most people prefer the convenience of buying their fruit at a store (or, seeing as it’s 2018, ordering fruit via app and having some poor soul on a scooter bring it to their door), but there’s something so pastoral about going and picking it straight off the plant. At the time of writing, only strawberries are in season, but later in the spring (around May) cherries and other fruits will be available as well
Address: Huan Shan Road. 长安区环山路
If you go to Huan Shan Road, you’ll find plenty of farmers willing to let you do their work for them.
They speak of our statues and pagodas, but never of our flowers. Xi’an has a surprising amount of beautiful cherry blossom trees in areas all around the city. The best time for this is mid-spring, so waiting until late March might not be a bad idea. Our favorite place to check these out is at the Qinglong Temple, but if you scan the QR you’ll find an article from our archives that will tell you about a few other choice spots.
There’s a lot of live music in Xi’an, if you know where to look. Midi Livehouse and Imagine 16, are still going strong, the Xi’an Concert Hall is always around, and new places, like Wuqiong Livehouse and a soon-to-open venue at Dahua 1965 are ready to bring the heat. From famous DJs to scrappy punk bands, you’ll almost certainly find something to jam out to.
Venue WeChat Accounts:
Imagine 16: GYMusic16
Midi Livehouse: xianmidie
Wuqiong Livehouse: wuqiongliveclub
Xi’an Concert Hall: xianch01
Question or comments about activities around Xi’an contact us at