Article by Thabo Jaffe
Spring’s in full swing and the temperatures are gradually picking up. If you’re anything like me, you’ve been champing at the bit for the grey cold to be lifted away so you get out and about for some real fun. Stopping short of life-threatening, I crave the kinds of adventure that get the adrenaline pumping and makes you think twice before leaping. Here are some adventurous things to get up to before the sun gets dialed up to eleven.
Yes, it’s a thing. As any Modern Family fan would know, this is a respectable sport, worthy of your time. It’s also a lot scarier than you might think. Trying to keep your twiggy legs underneath you and not flailing around like a ragdoll on every descent is a skill. The foam pit is the selling point for me. You can try doing weird flips and aerial stunts your little twigs wouldn’t allow on solid ground. But, like massage chairs, it’s best not to imagine how many other people were in there before you.
Avg cost: 100RMB/person
Add: Inside Duling Sheng Tai Yuan,NO.1 of Yan Xiang Road, Qujiang.
Ph: (029) 8913 8331
Some here would call it CS… Let me be old school and call a thing by its name. This is neither laser tag, nor computer game. It’s balls of paint hurtling at speed towards your face. Lucky for you there are masks and camo getups as protection. It should go without saying, this is a team activity, the more the merrier. Go on, shoot your teammate. You can compare bruises later.
Avg cost: 170RMB/person
Add: East 700 meters of Yasen Shang Lin Yuan, NO.1 of Yan Xiang Road.
Ph: 153 1994 9901
Bungee jumping
Having gone skydiving a few times now, I can definitively say that bungee jumping feels a touch scarier. There’s something about looking at the ground rushing up towards you, then feeling the gradual tug of the cord, until you’re suspended for a split-second of zero-G. Weiyang lake’s tower is claimed to be only 65m, which is suitable for newbies. Keep your eyes open, it’s all over in a few seconds… The jump. Not your life.
Avg cost: 300RMB/person – including entrance fee, but not video
Add: North part of Weiyang Hu Park, Weiyang Road.
Ph: (029) 8667 1532
This is my Unicorn. I’ve tried to do this a few times and failed. No, I did not die, I just wasn’t able to do the activity. A few things you should know before booking: this is obviously weather-permitting, and the organizer can postpone this at any time if the weather is less than welcoming. Secondly, the airspace here is a little more restricted, so any activity can be called off on the day if authorities say so.
Avg cost: 780RMB/person
Add: Ziwu Zhen, Tian Zi Kou Cun.
By appointment only – book at least one day in advance江
Ph: 153 5354 5265
Don’t let life ride you into boredom. There’s a lot to do in our little Xi’an, you just have to go out and find the action. The excuse of the cold and dreary weather is now moot. Get out there and grab life by the balls!
Thabo is an avid explorer and less-than-worldly South African, always in search of new experiences. Stopping just short of suicidal, he’s a true Yes Man. You can reach him via email at thabojaffe@gmail.com