Article by XIANEASE
Summer is here, and though the mornings are warm and the nights are hot, the midday can be pretty blistering. While homebodies have no problem whiling that time away with air conditioning and TV, more active people might get antsy having to choose between heatstroke and doing stuff. Fear not, because we’re looking out for you. Here are a few interesting sports that can be done inside.
If you’ve ever been intrigued by the art of fencing, a trip to Ming Ze Club will be an affordable way to see what it’s all about. For 99 RMB, you’ll get paired up with a fencing coach who can give you the low-down on how to be a fencer. No word on whether that coach will be able to do it in English, but since a big part of the sport is reading body language, perhaps that won’t be as big a hurdle as you’d imagine.
Ming Ze Club (明泽击剑俱乐部)
Address: 5 Floor of southwest corner building, inside of Xi’an Stadium, 26 Xiwu Lu.
Tel: (029) 8744 3333
Price: Single experience 99RMB
(Purchasing from Dazhongdianping)
The ultimate in “LALALALA I’M NOT LISTENING IT’S NOT SUMMER GO AWAY SUN,” Xi’an has one or two indoor ice rinks installed in shopping malls. For just a few RMB, you can strap on a pair of skates and pretend like it’s winter all over again.
Ouyue Skate Club (欧悦滑冰俱乐部)
Address: 5F, Yitian Jiari Shopping Mall, 166 Chang Le Xi Lu (益田假日购物中心5楼)
Tel: (029) 6829 2266
Price: 80RMB no limit time.
Okay, I know what you’re thinking. You’re probably thinking that horseback riding means we’re going to go into the countryside and ride some poor old horse that doesn’t want your fat laowai ass sitting on it. Not on our watch! Little Knight Equestrian Academy will give you some instruction on properly riding a horse, and then let you loose for a little bit to live all your cowboy fantasies—for a limited time and a fee, of course.
Light Knight Equestrian
Address: Huang Liang Village
Tel: (029) 8923 9540
Price: Single experience 350RMB ( Weekend )
While this is clearly the season to go out to the mountains, where it’s cooler, and start hauling yourself up and down cliffs, an indoor rock gym can still be a lot of fun. If you need to learn the basics, want to get some practice in, or just have too little time to make it all the way out of town, it’s got all you need and a day pass at Rock Climbing Dreams won’t break the bank.
Rock Climbing Dream Place
Address: 3 Jianxi Jie
Tel: (029) 8522 3306
Price: Week days (88 RMB no limit time)
Weekend ( 118RMB no limit time )
Know any other good night markets that make your life more convenient? Let us know at