Jackpot777 Bar

Article By Jin and Francis

TFEP 2F, San Wu Yi Yi, Min Jie Road.

Average Price per Person /人均消费: 90RMB

I t’s rare to find a bar in Xi’an that takes so much care to explain their menu items to you. So when you do happen upon a bar that does so, it is a treasure. The bartenders took time to carefully craft each item, introduce it when serving, and to address any questions. And it wasn’t just for us, but also for other customers, too.
The first drinks we tried had interesting names: the “Xi’an Hanren 西安闲人” and the “Listen to Your Mom.” The former, made with Xifeng baijiu, jasmine tea, and white wine, was the most drinkable baijiu mixed drink I have ever had. Sorry to the Capital Spirits in Beijing, but it was better. The latter was made with passion fruit, goji berries, and brandy. The creative names and drink creations didn’t end there. Others included the “Bye Boss 永不工作”, the “Kungfu Panda 功夫熊猫”, and “#BKPP 可以吗可以” among others. The food, while familiar, had snarkier names, such as the “super super hot hotdog 超超级热的热狗“ and the “not so instant instant noodles 不是很方便的方便面”, which gave us a chuckle. In addition to these options, there are also various healthy and non-alcoholic beverage options available.
It is worth noting that each drink and food item is served in or on its own individual glassware or plateware. This includes a wide collection of glassware, coasters, straws, and various tools to affix garnishes. In fact, very little, if any, of each beverage ingredient ever actually touches someone’s hand. Tweezers or tongs are frequently used to place ingredients or other additions into each beverage. More generally, the bar is extremely clean. You won’t find that kind of persistent errant stickiness that seems to perpetually be underfoot, nor any strange smells or spots.
Jackpot777, despite its ostentatious name, is an understated location. This bar, located in the same restored towel factory as Beaver’s (which we also reviewed this month), is a cozy indoor space. Walking through a stainless-steel diner-style door, the entrance offers a view down the length of the bar, above which are some massive windows, trees, and minimalist decoration. The furniture itself is comfortable and varied – stay for a half-hour or three. No bother, you will be able to enjoy your stay.
Usually new guests get a special greeting from Wangcai 旺财, the owners pet that is equally as understated as the bar’s location. The giant resident Alaskan Malamute, despite her size is incredibly friendly, will shake your hand, and is incredibly fond of people, just as her breed is known for. Just don’t get in her way when she goes outside!
Another thing – the bar was actually quite busy. On a Wednesday evening, there were three tables with other patrons when we arrived and more came in after we sat down. The boss, a friendly and personable lady, told us she hopes to be able to provide a more welcoming, fun, but also accessible atmosphere than the loud, smoke-filled night clubs and dive-bars common throughout Xi’an. It certainly seems like she has done just that.
Anyways, taste their drinks and let us know what you thnk!

Jin and Francis are both teachers in Xi’an and we love exploring food. They can be contacted at jin@xianease.com and francis@xianease.com

If you give this a try, let us know about your experience by messaging us at reviews@xianease.com.