Article by XIANEASE
What is the Yellow River Soup Kitchen?
“The Yellow River Soup Kitchen is a not for profit non-government organisation. A secular organisation that is open to everybody, it is wholly run by volunteers for volunteers and as such has no overheads of any description so that 100% of all donations are passed directly on to those in most need. Our objective is to organise or source a variety of projects with the aim of bringing together two specific groups of people; namely those with a desire to serve and those that are in need. Thus providing an opportunity, a vehicle, support and empowerment, to enable volunteers to channel their energies for the benefit of others whilst at the same time achieving personal growth and development. Facilitating the opportunity to cultivate a small change inside potentially manifesting in a larger change outside.
The simplest of acts can spread far and wide touching many people in the process. A kind action carried out from the heart whether it simply be a smile or it be helping somebody in desperate need, can be a very powerful experience for all that encounter it. Even though some may only be passive observers the purity of the action can be carried along through them to touch many others in turn. In the same way that as a pebble is dropped in a pond the ripples will spread far and wide, the Yellow River Soup Kitchen logo is based on this concept.
We cannot assist everybody in all the areas of their need but if we persevere perhaps we can make just a small difference to some of the people that we encounter. As single individuals we can reach only a limited number of people but if those people in turn connect with others then a chain reaction is created. So together as the Yellow River Soup Kitchen if we can drop just a few small pebbles in a few ponds then who knows how far those ripples may spread and how many people they may touch along the way.
We have found positive energy to be extremely contagious; long may it continue to be so.”
What have they accomplished?
The Yellow River Soup Kitchen has started and continued many initiatives since their beginnings. Here is a summary of some of the work that they have done.
• Total of 2,430 projects over the first 14 years
• Served around 180,000 meals since our inception
• Delivered aid to approx. 60,000 people in rural mountain villages
• Delivered over 112 wheelchairs to the elderly and disabled
• Weekly provide free medical care and arranged treatments or operations for over 22 homeless people
• Supplied & fitted 12 prosthetic limbs
• Helped over 92 homeless people find work & street children return home
• Repaired a rural village school
• Regularly run children’s sports days in rural mountain villages, orphanages and have arranged several children’s city visits
• Over 13,700 volunteers have joined our projects
How did it start?
It all began in late 2005 when Tony Day, who had been on the road for two years volunteering and visiting spiritual retreats, was encouraged to visit Xi’an while on his way to India. While walking the streets one Thursday in December, Tony was approached by an old woman, a beggar, who was rather persistent in her quest for money. Not the type to just give money to the homeless, he refused her request yet she still followed him for several minutes. That evening during meditation, Tony reflected on the brief encounter and although he was not willing to give her money, he decided to track her down the next day and buy her lunch. Tony did manage to track the woman down and although she refused his offer of lunch, the seed had already been planted. By the end of Friday it was all organized. On Sunday December the 18th, the soup kitchen began serving food to the homeless outside the Catholic Church on Wu Xing Jie (五星街) by permission of Father Chen.
How can I help?
The Yellow River Soup Kitchen is on Wu Xing Street. The Soup Kitchen is approx. a 20-minute walk from the Bell Tower. As you enter the main gates our building is immediately on the left.
How can I help?
The Yellow River Soup Kitchen is on Wu Xing Street. The Soup Kitchen is approx. a 20-minute walk from the Bell Tower. As you enter the main gates our building is immediately on the left.

dear editor, I am a university of NPU, I have take some charity activities in my school and in the community in recently years, how can I join your group.